Many of the meetings we have been having lately involve a review of the client’s financial plan. Fall is an excellent time to review your financial plan – and if you don’t have one, well, it’s a great time to get started.
IPPs – An Effective Strategy You Shouldn’t Overlook
2024-05-08, Jesse Brewster
Individual Pension Plans can be a powerful tool for high-earning business owners in Canada.
What Do You Know About Longevity Risk?
2024-02-28, Jason Reed
A survey conducted by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA) reveals that Canadians underestimate their life expectancy by almost four years
Optimizing Tax Efficiency
2024-01-24, Vanessa McNabb
Canadians have more choices than ever to grow their investments in a tax-efficient manner through registered investment vehicles such as RRSP, RESP, RDSP, TFSA, and the more recent FHSA. Unfortunately, for most Canadians, maximizing all options is just not a realistic expectation.
2023 Pooled Fund Realized Distribution Guidance
2023-12-15, Vanessa McNabb
As we prepare for the new year, tax planning is top of mind. We have outlined important dates and information to help guide you through tax season.
Are Canada’s Public Pension Programs Sustainable?
2023-11-28, Jason Reed
Cynical views about the integrity of Canada’s public pension system are largely unjustified, but Canadian public pensions aren’t ironclad guarantees either.