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Quality And Value – Why Both Matter

2023-10-20, Joe Jugovic

How quality and value based investing seeks a balance between long-term growth and managing the risk of capital loss.


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Risk Taking, Past Cycles … And A Silver lining

2018-07-06, Joe Jugovic

Perversely, investors’ propensity to take on risk seems to increase the longer a cycle lasts and the higher past returns have been.


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Markets In Transition

2018-04-06, Joe Jugovic

Despite all the optimism about improving global economic conditions, we think we’re transitioning to more challenging times.


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A Nearly Perfect Combination

2018-01-05, Joe Jugovic

This is the first time since 2010 that we have seen synchronized expansion and it seems reasonable to expect it to continue.


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Searching For Value

2017-10-13, Joe Jugovic

With historically low interest rates, investors looking for anything more than low single digit returns are forced into equity markets.


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Investing In An Aging Bull Market

2017-07-07, Joe Jugovic

It has been eight years since the bottom of the last major bear market and economic recession. This marks the second longest bull market in Wall Street history.


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