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Avoid These 3 Things for a Healthier Financial Life

2024-10-01, Jason Reed

Here are three habits that could be bad for your financial health.


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What Do You Know About Longevity Risk?

2024-02-28, Jason Reed

A survey conducted by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA) reveals that Canadians underestimate their life expectancy by almost four years


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Are Canada’s Public Pension Programs Sustainable?

2023-11-28, Jason Reed

Cynical views about the integrity of Canada’s public pension system are largely unjustified, but Canadian public pensions aren’t ironclad guarantees either.


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How Do Pandemics Affect The Path Of Interest Rates?

2023-09-15, Jason Reed

Has COVID impacted interest rates in the same way as previous pandemics? With deflationary and inflationary factors in play, the question is how to proceed?


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Take The Next Step With The First Home Savings Account (FHSA)

2023-08-10, Jason Reed

Exciting news! We have an investment option that could greatly benefit you on your journey to homeownership: the First Home Savings Account (FHSA).


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Leaving A Defined Benefit Pension Plan

2023-08-01, Jason Reed

Leaving your employer before retirement can force an important financial decision if you participate in a defined benefit (DB) pension plan. Here is some important information to consider.


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