While election results often produce increased market volatility, fundamental drivers are superior determinants of equity returns in the long run.
Risk Considerations for Equity Investors
2024-05-01, Richard Fortin
What should long-term equity investors do in the face of these late cycle risks? What does history tell us about risk?
Energy Transition and Capital Discipline
2023-09-08, Richard Fortin
Capital discipline is the new reality for oil and gas producers. Explore the central themes in play, their impacts and the opportunity for investors.
A Deep Dive Into Duration Risk
2023-05-05, Richard Fortin
Higher interest rates have put downward pressure on equity valuations. Learn more about duration considerations for equity investors.
Resilient Growth: The Case For Owning Quality Compounders
2023-01-20, Richard Fortin
Quality compounders are businesses that produce steady earnings growth across economic cycles while generating relatively high returns on invested capital.
Countercyclical Investing Considerations
2022-10-28, Richard Fortin
Selectively considering quality countercyclical opportunities, is a sensible approach to capital allocation within a broadly diversified strategy.