Most global equity markets continued their upward march as investors remained optimistic about economic and stock market tailwinds.

Most global equity markets continued their upward march as investors remained optimistic about economic and stock market tailwinds.
The Super Bowl 51 championship game was a reminder that anything can happen. We all thought the game was over at half-time, when the winner was trailing 21-3.
17th century mathematicians Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat advanced our understanding of probability with what is now called the Gambler’s Ruin Problem.
It is challenging to stick to contrarian thinking, even when your data suggests you’re doing the right thing.
With the Brexit outcome, the Trump victory, and the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series after 108 years, the art of forecasting is the year’s biggest loser!
2016’s events are an acute reminder that anyone’s ability to consistently predict future events is limited.