Our investment philosophy is to create concentrated portfolios of businesses that generate above average returns with below average risk.

Our investment philosophy is to create concentrated portfolios of businesses that generate above average returns with below average risk.
Interpreting averages and aggregates can be a lot like peering at the ocean from an airplane. Both offer a glimpse of something large from a little window.
Last week we attended the annual Asian-focused CLSA Investor Forums in Hong Kong. It was a whirlwind of presentations, management sessions, and speeches.
John F. Kennedy said, “Change is the law of life. Those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” The future is about disruption.
As long-term shareholders we look for durable ROE – efficiently run businesses that can sustain above average returns on capital over long periods of time.
Reflections and observations from corporate presentations and investor conferences in Paris and Berlin.